Gnaiger 2024 MitoFit

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Gnaiger 2024 MitoFit

Publications in the MiPMap
Gnaiger E (2024) Addressing the ambiguity crisis in bioenergetics and thermodynamics. MitoFit Preprints 2024.3.

» MitoFit Preprints 2024.3.

MitoFit pdf

Addressing the ambiguity crisis in bioenergetics and thermodynamics.

Gnaiger Erich (2024) MitoFit Prep

Abstract: Effective science communication is vital for research integrity. However, ambiguities in scientific language obscure comprehension and diminish publication quality, akin to irreproducibility. Established ambiguous terms misguide even graphical representations of scientific knowledge. For instance, ‘electron transport chain’ misrepresents the electron transfer system. Electron transfer to the Q-junction converges from branched pathways rather than following a chain of respiratory Complexes. Complex I catalyzes H+-linked electron transfer from NADH, coupled to vectorial H+-transport across the coupling membrane. Analogous to NADH for Complex I, succinate but not FADH2 is the substrate of Complex II. Confusion between respiratory state 2 and LEAK states, or state 3 and OXPHOS capacity impedes accurate interpretation, as does imprecise usage of uncoupled, noncoupled, or dyscoupled respiration. In the context of the vague concepts of oxidative stress and normoxia, intracellular oxygen pressure warrants attention. Beyond gas pressure, force-pressure ambiguities penetrate thermodynamics. Protonmotive pressure builds bridges to kinetics and explains the enigmatic nonlinearity between protonmotive force and proton leak flux. Please, distinguish Gibbs force from Gibbs energy. Different meanings of entropy in closed and open systems fuel contentious debates surrounding negative entropy, involving a number of prominent figures such as Erwin Schrödinger, Linus Pauling, and Max Perutz. Even the International System of Units (SI) intertwines the fundamental terms unit, count, and number. Resolving ambiguities is crucial for scientific accuracy, to counter misinformation and enhance quality in publications. Clarifying terminology in bioenergetics and thermodynamics thus becomes pivotal towards advancing knowledge and fostering informed discourse within the scientific community and beyond.
Keywords: Ambiguity, Complex II, count, entropy production, electron transfer system, Gibbs energy, Gibbs force, hypoxia, oxidative stress, OXPHOS coupling, protonmotive force Bioblast editor: Tindle-Solomon L O2k-Network Lab: AT Innsbruck Oroboros

Gnaiger 2024 Ambiguity crisis.jpg

ORCID: ORCID.png Gnaiger Erich

» Contribution to EBEC2024 - What is Life? Aug 26-31, Innsbruck, Austria


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Labels: MiParea: Respiration, mt-Awareness 

Stress:Hypoxia, Oxidative stress;RONS 

Regulation: Coupling efficiency;uncoupling  Coupling state: ET, LEAK, OXPHOS  Pathway: NS  HRR: Theory 

Amount of substance, Ambiguity crisis, Avogadro constant, Count, Elementary charge, Elementary entity, Entity, Force, International System of Units, Mass, Number, Pressure, Protonmotive force, Unit, Quantity 

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